Well, sad to say but the Doors Open Event of 2009 didn't thrill us as much as last year. We picked up our friends and neighbours - John and Jack - and jumped on the College streetcar for a trip to the National Ballet School, only to find that the queue was 2 hours long and had been closed.
So we took the subway to Union Station and hung about till the next tour, which was conducted by someone who was really passionate about public transport and the expansion of the GO train system, but didn't have much rapport with children (and this was billed as child-friendly) and didn't make the building come alive with historical tales of epic drama, tragedy or well anything. To boot, we barely saw a train...
But John saved the day out by proposing we go for hot dogs at a real deli. So we sat on a patio and ate hot dogs and french fries and chocolate milk (at least some of us did).

Sebastian hasn't used a stroller for about 2 years. But if one is available, he will try to highjack it. Jack had his, so it became a bone of contention between the boys - all day long... Here, Seb is taking full advantage, while checking out the cardboard "GO" buses and trains the children were given. He collected lots of "bumph" to share with his Grandad next weekend.

Here poor John is trying to ignoring the fray at his feet and concentrate on the tour guide.
Meanwhile, Sophie did one of 2 things:

Took off in any direction....

or took off her shoes.
Then it was off to Dufferin Grove for a campfire supper welcoming summer and saying farewell to friends who will be away much of the season.

Sophie of course headed straight over to hug her baby Nikko

She does love him so.

Seb and big brother Kai wanted to share the watermelon and show everyone how strong they were!
Nobody wanted to see how dirty they all were when we finally wrestled them home and into the bathtub. What stinky feet!!!!