Monday, 6 April 2009

That kind of Monday

The kind of morning when my professional, parenting and social selves collide.

1. First thing this morning, Sophie needed to pee in the potty (downstairs). So off she went sans culottes with brother trailing along to help or offer advice or for the show. I was putting away clothes when I heard Sebastian calling.

Seb: Muuuuuuuummmmm. Sophie did a pee

Me: Where?

Seb: On the floor

Me: sound of feet thundering downstairs

2. So I cleaned the pee off the bathroom's threshold and let Sophie wander off again (will I never learn?). The phone rang and it was a colleague from the UK about a small drama (more later). Then I hear:

Seb: Mum, Sophie did a poop.

Me:mouth: I am not sure I can get a visa by that day given easter and all...
Me: head: Whaaaaat?
Me: feet: follow Sebastian to downstairs playroom and find offending item nestled in amongst the scattered toys.
Me:head: *@##^%!@#%&*(^%
Me:eyes: Thanks, Seb. Woe is a mum's lot in life...
Me:mouth: I should be able to get all those documents read by this weekend.
Me:head: haha
Me: hands: scoop, toss, remember not to flush because I am on a professional call, find cleaning supplies, scrub, put everything away
Me:mouth: great speaking with you. I'll call you tomorrow.

To be honest, the woman who this colleague is replacing would have totally understood my situation. But she's off on mat leave with her third.

3. It may or may not be possible any longer to get a visa at the DRC border with Rwanda as of April 1st. No one can really tell me. Thus I may or may not have to fill out three application forms, get three photos, have someone vouch for me, get a letter of invitation, get $115, and provide my itinerary, and courrier it to Ottawa YESTERDAY. Eventually I'll know - maybe when I get to the Congolese border and am refused entry.

4.Through all of this, every time I passed through the kitchen I had to acknowledge the huge pile of dishes left over from last night's dinner party.

5. Outside my window, it's raining, sleeting, and snowing all at once.

6. I hadn't even had my coffee...

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