Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Meet Seb's vests

Herein lie Sebastian's navy and red vests. Some of you may have noticed them before. They are newfound friends of mine. They
a) keep him warm
b) look natty
c) hide the fact that we don't use an iron. I mean they cover the placket that curls over and those pesky wrinkles on the body, and hey in a pinch you can tuck the collar in too.

That said, don't expect to see many photos of his dad sporting one. It's not that he irons his shirts. Oh no; it's just that he has invested in wrinkle-resistant technolgy and our wizard of a clothes dryer has a perpetual movement timer that kicks in after the cycle is over to toss things about regularly so wrinkles don't set in.

Plus, M claims that they are dorky (thus ever more cool on a 5 year old). What do you think?

1 comment:

just us said...

Just to insert my dad's comments here:

"The blue one is very like mine - so I'm in favour"

Grandads have retro cool fashion sense, right?

Life is good

Life is good