Friday, 11 July 2008

one year of blah, blah, blah & snaps

It seems that out here in blogland, one is supposed to fete the anniversary of one's blog. Being me, I missed it. But now I see that I started this adventure on July 8 2007 and have posted 134 times in the first year. That averages better than once every 3 days; though I do tend to blog-hog (you know, blog a lot at once). But that's all based on when I have childcare or am procrastinating about working.

My first efforts were extremely basic; however, I think I have only just inched up to "basic" over the 12 months. I need to tackle some more video clips for your benefit.

And you all need to get with the programme and join up so you can comment. This IS a blog, not a one-way website. I mean poor words, words and chris - they have to represent the whole world! Fortunately, they have only given positive feedback; otherwise, I would be crushed...

Hope you are enjoying it. I am!

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Life is good

Life is good