Tuesday, 22 April 2008

This one is for Nana (& Roch Carrier)

Do you know the story of The Hockey Sweater?

Spoiler alert. Roch Carrier's childhood memoir of growing up hockey-mad, especially Maurice Richard-mad in the late '40s. It's a small village, and he and his friends idolise the Montreal Canadiens. To the extent that when he gets a new hockey sweater, which is mistakenly the blue and white of the wimpy Toronto Maples Leafs (yes, leafs), he refuses to wear it. But he must, and goes on to blame all his woes on its presence in his life. For his last outburst of anger, the young curate sends him to church to ask forgiveness. Instead, he prays for a million moths to eat up his new hockey sweater.

Well, tonight I presented Sebastian with a yummy supper - mashed spuds, salmon, and chopped spinach with a dash of maple syrup. Rejected; lock, stock and barrel. After a short period of cajoling (including pointing out that Sophie eats more than him and is growing faster), he declared:

"Next time I go to church [no comment], I'm going to pray for 12 moths to eat all my spinach".

What can I say? I love my boy. M guffawed so loud, he almost choked on his spinach.

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Life is good