Friday, 1 February 2008

Girlfriend loves grapes

Sophie so adores sweet green grapes that she will rocket up the stairs to get them with no distractions, no looking down. I guess I should grow a vine right at the top of the stairs. She'll love the new place b/c we do have a trellis of vines over the outdoor eating area. I'll try to remember to snap and post the patio/backspace when we get there. Good thing M had some experience laying paving stones in France, b/c we'll be tackling a bigger area this time...

Soph also is very sweetly wandering around the playroom clutching "dolly". She likes to peer at the creature's eyes (as they close) and give her wet kisses and crushing hugs (she must get that from her bro). Only thing is that it belongs to the apartment and we are moving out next Friday. I hope I can slip her the one that has been boxed this past year...

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Life is good

Life is good