A few weeks back, I asked friends to send us some suggestions for family board games to buy as there is such a range and at $20-30 (or more) a pop, we don't want too many duds. Have to admit that I didn't get much of a response. And what I did get was mostly negative - for the record, Jr. Clue was rated badly, "Diego" was considered "ok", Archrival was found at a dump and thoroughly enjoyed (one person's garbage is another's wasted childhood) and the good ol' classics (snakes & ladders - which is surprisingly hard to find un-branded/charactered!, Sorry, cards, etc). Ros maintains that board games are a parent's nightmare as until the kids are 10 or so, you always end up picking up the pieces and if you lose one, the game can be useless.
The only game that got a couple of thumbs-up was Apples to Apples, but it will be several years until the kids are old enough for it. Strangely enough, it was recommended by one friend Wendy but given to us 5 years ago by another friend Wendy.
So, we just ordered a junior set of chess that describes each player as its medieval equivalent. Did you know that the knight moves in the L-formation b/c he carried a shield to one side? That kind of thing.
My sister's 5-year olds have been playing Chinese checkers since they were Seb's age, and have more recently move on to normal checkers. They love both.
May I suggest Crokinole?
You don't have to be able to follow the rules to have hours of fun with it. Just flick the chips around the board, stack them into piles, whatever.
It's hard to find a nice board anymore, made of wood anyway. My brother-in-law found us one made in Whitby, Ontario... I can look up the manufacturer if you like.
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