Friday, 7 September 2007

Open house, open hearts

Many people kindly wrote this past week to reflect on the fantastic celebration we shared 10 years ago, as well as on all that we have got up to since. One of the vows that we made as a couple was to have a home that was open to the world. Well, we have just hosted our 98th, 99th and 100th guest here in Issigeac! (For good measure, we consider the 100th to have been young Ben).

We moved in 37 months ago and despite the state of the house, friends and family have flocked here. We've had several multiple visits (these people George & Lorraine & Roberta keep coming for some reason) which I've counted separately (the other half thinks that is "cheating"). We've had people stay when we were not here, we've hosted friends of friends; someone finished a novel here; friends have presented new babies and paramours.

This summer has been especially busy with 33 visitors and so many wonderful memories. We hope that we might have some guests at Christmas in Saint John and that when we move on in 2008 we will be able to coax people to visit us in our new home wherever that may be. Plus, there's always next spring in Issigeac!

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Life is good

Life is good