Wednesday, 29 August 2007

so what have we been up to?

Well first off, we've had guests - the Crawleys, Katy, Babush & Ben and soon Ulrike. Mike's been doing some DIY. Seb has been entertaining us all by captaining a boat and learning to be a knight.
Sophie is mastering the art of going backwards. I've included some fashion shots as she sports her new autumn outfit from Great-aunt Colleen and auntie Jeet's giraffe sleeper via Sebastian.
Sadly though, she's been suffering a high fever for the last day and 1/2 or so. She's clingy, fussy and just won't settle in the daytime. We keep waiting for the illness to break out - vomiting, spots, diarrhea, something - but so far nothing.

I'll save our 3rd (and final) installment of Medieval Days for another time.

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Life is good

Life is good