Sunday, 28 February 2021

It's been a long lockdown

So, there are some long hairstyles...

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

February is...

When one asks a 14 year old for photos to share on the family blog, one gets: a broken plate, some almond milk and rocks. Not sure what to infer but there you have it!

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Trying to inject some novelty and fun

 In an effort to make the days seem different, we have been taking the dog to more infrequent haunts:

the coldest, windiest day imaginable down by the lake (we had our winter picnic in the car!)

Kate, Seb & Jo have been playing a mammoth first game of Risk 

and I have temporarily (?) given up gluten to see what effects that has on my body.
The kids don't notice given that I make sticky "bun" cake

And French onion soup

Friday, 12 February 2021

Same old, same old

I haven't posted much because, well, not much is happening during lockdown 2.0. The main excitement has been the repairs to our back addition and a most welcome new washer & dryer! (We estimate a backlog of 9 loads!!)

And well, someone tried to dye her hair purple again and in the process, the bathtub suffered...

Life is good

Life is good